The semi legendary, and no longer available, Mahlkonig K30 Twin.
If you wanted TWO state of the art beastly German infinitely adjustible, programmable, "grind on demand" espresso grinders (i.e. decaf/espresso or espresso/pour over) but stuck with a limited space, this was the dream solution! Mahlkonig essentially put two K30s in one "small" box!
It's not something we'd ever expect to have around here, but it fell into our lap, so we decided to offer it to loyal voltage110 lurkers, before listing it in other (more appropriate?!) venues. (It'll be cheaper here though for sure!)
Not exactly "vintage," but for busy shops, or the rare coffee geek who's got the dough and wants all the tech, it's kind of an amazing set up.
It's even "air cooled" to contol internal heat! (Something were not too likely to have to deal with in a typical home environment.)
Believe it or not, this machine spent most of it's short life in a private home (not a cafe!) which just goes to show, there are people who spend more on grinders than we do! And also why this one is so clean.
Shipping will be a pain, as it comes in around a humongeous 80 pounds (literally like mailing a cannon ball) so we'd much prefer a pick up. But we'll work with you on shipping if we must.
Certainly the most compact "pair" of pro grinders you can buy, and could arguably be the fanciest "single dose" grinder ever made. Did somebody mention "zero niche?" If this accidentally rolled over on a Zero Niche, it's scary to think of what would be left. Of the Zero Niche.
Mahlkonig made two kinds of hoppers for these. A "full" sized, and a "slim" version. The slim allows both hoppers to fit in the grinder at the same time. The set up we've got at the moment is "full" sized, means you'll have to alternate hoppers. The slim hoppers are still available, so if it's a deal breaker let us know and we can get them for you.
Burrs on the left side are new, and on the right "very sharp." Overall clean as a whistle, and working as new.
Hard to say anything more about this.
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