The last incarnation of the ECM E61 machine, which Rocket bought the rights to and started making variations of in Milan. All the other "chrome E61 boxes" are really imitators of the original ECMs.
Been sitting for a few years in storage, before finally ending up at VoltAge110! So it's got low hours (and wear!) for it's age.
We've gone through it completely and installed many new parts to make this is a truly "refurnbished" Giotto.
Among those parts are a new autofill control box (the "computer") new pressurestat, water level probe, re-settable overheat protection switch, and even brand new drip tray and reservoir covers, which were lost by the previous owner in a move!
Of course the E61 group has been disassembled and rebuilt and it's very clean, so the machine has obviously only had pure water running through it.
The body is in great shape, with only a small scuff on the top drip tray, and the steam and water valve covers (plastic "chrome") are a little ugly from scrathes and loss of plating. Otherwise, this is a another "lotsa chrome" beauty!
If you're not going with a lever, the E61 groups are the way to go. Just like levers, you have to "learn" them, but once you do, it's sweet shot nirvana after that.
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