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'77 Pavoni Copper and Brass "Survivor"

After seeing scores of Europiccolas, it's hard to have one stand out.  But we fell in love with this oddity at first sight.


(We decided to put this machine on the site BEFORE Instagram for a change, to reward the dedicated souls who still check in here.  We'll wait a couple days before releasing it to the masses on IG.  But just a reminder:  we've stopped taking credit cards for now, so if you're not local, you'll need to contact us and arrange a payment via Zelle.  Thanks!) 


When Pavoni introduced the "copper and brass" models in the mid 70s, they didn't plan on the huge success they would meet.  In an attempt to meet demand, they decided to "re-purpose" some chrome bases they had on hand, by brass plating OVER the chrome!


This worked to fulfill shop orders, and get them into kitchens across America, as they ordered new brass bases.  But it eventually led to "this."  The brass plating losing it's grip on the underlying chrome, fading away, and leaving either an ugly mess, or an awful lot of "patina," depending on your point of view.


Of course the fading and peeling never effected the function of the machines, but has made the early "brass over chrome" models into curiosities a half century later.


You either "get it" or you hate it.  We happen to be on the former side, and love the funky "rainbow" effect that the chrome showing through the faded brass accidentally creates.  (We're thinking of it like a collectible re-covered classic rock album!)  If it doesn't resonate with you, we totally understand.  But we're guessing someone will see it our way.


There are a few darkish spots in the drip tray where the plating is thin, and the early style rubber sub base has a few cracks.  (Leave it on and it should be fine a long time!)  And spotting on the boiler where the copper has been exposed to oxygen over the years.  (Copper cleaner leaves a protective coating.)  So obviously there's a few "flaws."  But we've tried to reflect this in the price, and c'mon, it's got character! 


Pavoni Esoterica:  In case anyone is wondering, '77 seems to be the year Pavoni started selling machines with the plastic drip tray insert under the grid, and they changed the stamped bases slightly (wider front edge.)  BUT, the early brass over chrome models the same year came without the tray!  SO even though this is a '77,  it seems that Pavoni used leftover '76 (or earlier) chrome bases.  


This comes with a double basket, and we'll install a custom single hole steam tip (instead of the factory three hole pictured) gratis if you've read this far!  Just ask!  





'77 Pavoni Copper and Brass "Survivor"

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